“Can you repair my air conditioner?”
It’s a question that Acer Services are asked a lot.
Unfortunately there is no black or white answer – each air conditioner has to be looked at individually and judged on its own merits, taking into account a number of important factors:
They are all very important questions, particularly the last one…because there may be more than one problem, and more than one part could be faulty.
For example, it may be the compressor – a common air conditioner repair task – however Acer Services may not be able to tell if the compressor is faulty until we’ve replaced the circuit board.
A disreputable air conditioner repair person could string you along, replacing expensive part after expensive part…still with no guarantees that your air con will work as well as it should.
That’s why there are two important factors to consider before carrying out any air conditioner repair.
One, to deal only with an air conditioning repair company you can trust. Obviously. Otherwise you may be up for a whole range of “hidden repairs”.
And two, to weigh up all the pros and cons of repair versus replacement before making a commitment either way.
Before you say, “I can’t afford a new air conditioning system”, think about this: can you afford NOT to replace your old unit. (See our free, downloadable Buyer’s Guide today!)
Certainly, there is a cost outlay – good air-conditioners don’t come cheap, even though they are comparatively cheaper than they used to be.
However they do provide much better value for money and boast far more appealing features and benefits.
Furthermore, modern air conditioning is so economical, the money you save on running costs may quickly make up for the purchase price and installation costs… and then some!
For example, if your old unit is a fixed speed model, replacing it with a cutting edge reverse cycle system with a variable speed inverter – such as the latest air conditioners from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries – can drastically slash your running costs. In fact, EcoAir in the UK claims savings of between 30% and 50%. Naturally this depends on usage, temperature settings, size of rooms, and so forth.
In the long run, that has to be the better option. And let’s face it, at some stage you ARE going to have to replace your air conditioner – after all, nothing lasts forever.
However if you still wish to proceed with an air conditioning repair, may we suggest a Strip and Clean.
As its name implies, our trained technicians will strip and clean your unit from top to bottom.
We’ll remove all visible signs of contamination caused by mould, fungus and bacteria from the evaporator coils, filters, louvre and fan blades, even the drain pan.
This will not only improve your air conditioning unit’s operation, maintain the air quality and make it more efficient, along the way we will keep an eye out for any potential problems that may be apparent.
For more information about air conditioner repair – perhaps you have a question – or to book a Strip and Clean, simply click here to contact Acer Services today.